Message from New York to Friends & Families in Japan
That was a very Sunny Peaceful Morning 3 / 11 / 11
Last Friday Morning I woke up with the news from Japan.
Huge Earthquake hit northern Japan. It sounded like another natural disaster which Japanese are well prepared for, but soon enough we all discovered that this one was nothing like we have seen before. I won't talk about how powerful this one was, because we all know that by now.
I have my family and many friends in Japan, who I'm constantly in contact with via telephone and internet. Even in Tokyo it seems that every day, life is getting more difficult . I have a feeling that it will get much worse.
I strongly believe, it will get better eventually, but for now I can only send my love and thoughts to people in Japan. Since my friends in Japan are reading my blog I wanted to post something for them. Something to look at, then let them know what my thoughts are. Most of these pictures are taken by myself or Jonathan in New York throughout last year, without having any particular plan for them to be used. I just feel these images have some connection to my Prayers and Thoughts and Love for my family and our friends and their families in Japan who are going through very difficult times.
I just hope they will able to feel what I'm praying for them from far away.
My prayers and thoughts are with them for the days and the months to come.
"Samurai Spirit" will raise them up !
I have faith in us Japanese.
We will stand tall sooner than the rest of the world can imagine...
I have faith in us Japanese.
We will stand tall sooner than the rest of the world can imagine...