Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Sakura Fubuki"

This may be the last weekend we can enjoy "Sakura".  Japanese love them just because we have limited time to do so.  Something about having limits and changes every year makes the "Season of Sakura Blossoms" so special.  You will see many people going to many special places all over Japan during early Spring to do "Hanami (Flower Watching)"  We don't have to say "sakura" for it in Japan.  Everybody knows what that means.  I would say "Sakura" is the national Flower of Japan.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

"Sakura & Tsubaki"

Even though the temperature has still not reached Non Jacket Weather, Spring is definitely here.  We had a great weekend.  You almost could go out with a shirt and a light jacket.
I didn't remember the cherry tree on next block had flower buds.  But Sunday afternoon it had big deep pink flowers.  They are like pompoms in the sky.  That is my favorite kind of "SAKURA Tree"  It's called "YAE SAKURA" which means layers of flower petals. 
When this tree gets its Big Pink Flowers, the Winter is gone for good.  Other spring flowers are getting ready to come up.  At the Union Square Market, we started to see Tulips for a while.  Hyacinths are at their peak, Violets are starting to showing up.  But, for me it is the time to go out to see the flowers on streets and parks.  Spring Tree Flowers are the best thing for us to feel Spring's Arrival.

On the West 22nd Street, just before the gallery block starts, you will discover even "Tsubaki"   They are Camellia Bushes in the middle of Manhattan.  
They are not supposed to survive New York's climate.  But, here they are opening White and Pink Flowers every Spring for the past few years.  
When Jonathan discovered those plants, he was so sure that they will never survive the Manhattan Winter.  But the owner's patience wins over.  As I said, the past few years, Tsubaki Flowers are blossoming every Early Spring.  It is very unusual to see those flowers on shrubs in this city.  
So, I make sure to enjoy them when they are blossoming in my neighborhood.

After Cherry Bloosoms, Fuji will be showing up.
Sure enough those dangling purple color flowers have started to blossom on one vine.  We have a few Wisteria Vines on the same blook.   The best block for it is just one block down from there, of course north side of it.  I'll be watching that block not to miss their appearance on wonderfully decorated purple townhouse walls .  I'll be make sure to post pictures of that.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"Good Morning!"



 We all need a good cup of coffee in the morning !

Thursday, April 4, 2013



Hope this will happens this weekend !
We are so ready for SPRING....

"Magic Birds"

They used White Crayons to draw it, and afterwards they placed Ink.