Thursday, July 28, 2016

"What A Speech !"

"What's the difference from other guys !"

Monday, July 25, 2016

"why they need us"

Uncanny Similarity
Trump's Acceptance Speech in 30 Seconds
(What I Heard) 
I want this country to realize
that we stand on the edge of oblivion

I want every man, woman, and child
to understand how close we are to chaos

I want everyone to remember
(As Trump said in his speech, "I Alone can fix us.")

from the film, "V for Vendetta"

Gay Acrobats Create Stunning Visual Art - THE ARROW [Love. Pride. Truth.]

In a Beautiful tribute to the victims of Orlando, a month on these two gay circus performers created this video.  It's a Duo-Cyr-Wheel-Routine which is an apparatus usually performed solo.  As circus performers they have been told on many occasions that two men showing intimacy in an act would be too much for the audience, but that was the whole point of this video.  To stand strong in the face of adversity.  Visibility and education is the only way to reduce discrimination. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

"Tairyobata in Ishinomaki"

"Tai Ryo Bata" means Big Catch Flag.  Fisherman fly them from their Boats when they leave port and when they return.   The flags are full of very colorful graphics and Japanese writings.  Yes, we are very fond of them.
After the Great NorthWest Earthquake & Tsunami Disaster in 2011, fishermen in the City of Ishinomaki  lost many boats and "Tai Ryo Bata".
One clothing designer from Osaka area came to Ishinomaki after the disaster as a volunteer and found some "Tai Ryo Bata" on the beach with dirt.  He felt he need to do something with them.
He is still there, making things with carefully cleaned "Once Lost Fishing Flags."  
He is no longer a visitor, he is a resident now.
Here are some photos of things he and his friends are creating in Ishinomaki-city.
One day, I'd like to visit there to get something, maybe "Tairyobata Tote Bag" ?

Ladies of Ishinomaki are also making accessories with small piece of "Tairyobata"
Such as carefully Braided Bracelets.

Friday, July 15, 2016

"Summer Treat"

It is getting very warm in New York.  We had our first Heat Wave of the season last week. We will be having a second one this weekend.  
So, we do need something to make us COOL. 
I have been making POPSICLES with Bottled Juice from the Farmers' Market.  
Red Jacket Fruit Juice are All Natural, no water, no sugar. 
Just get small cups and popsicle-sticks and put them into Freezer, wait for a few hours your cooling treats are ready.
They make more than a few fruit juice, so try flavors you like.  So far I like Apricot, Fuji Apple & Raspberry Mix, New York Style Lemonade.  What shall I try this weekend ?       

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

"Making Tenugui Pants"

I made cropped pants with Vintage Tenugui which I have been getting from friends in Japan.  "Tenugui" is a Traditional Japanese Cotton Kitchen Cloth.
They are very light cotton with many interesting prints on them.  The print could be name of the shop and telephone number, or logo.  And they are pre-cut for less than a yard, and it's width is narrower than regular cotton fabrics.  Therefor sewing starts before cutting them with patterns.  Since I'm planning to wear them often during summer months they needed to be strong, so every seam got French-seamed.
Here are the photos of "Making Tanugui Pants" 

It is important for you to try on to see how it fits before you complete your sewing.  
In this case I put on one side of the pants when it was finished except for the hem. After that, I sew the crotch then waist line, then hem.  This particular pant gets a drawstring at the waist.

<< This is how it came out >>