Monday, January 30, 2017

Unfortunately, that would mean we'd get Pence.
I guess we're screwed either way.

"Here's a list of everything President Donald Trump did in week one"

In just over a week of being President, Donald Trump has done more to ruin the reputation and credibility of The United States than Reality TV could ever dream of.
He is completely devoid of intellect, compassion, class and eloquence, all attributes overflowing in his predecessor.
Trump has already removed health care from millions and now his ban on entering the states from very carefully selected countries shows the true level of his evil. Interestingly it’s being reported that no terrorist attacks on U.S. soil have been committed by citizens of those countries yet countries that have committed terrorist acts on US soil have been left alone and it just so happens that Trump has business dealings in those countries. I am not 100% that is true but it seems like something he’d do.
Do I think he will serve four years in the job? Dear god I hope not and I doubt it. At the rate he’s going he’ll have broken the record for the most unconstitutional events and be impeached quick smart. Maybe this is the wake-up call the world needs, if we survive him, to realise that backward thinking and uninformed lies are not the way forward for politics. In the meantime I won’t visit the U.S. while he is in power. I just can’t.

Friday, January 27, 2017

"Does he know what he is saying ?"

 I thought Trump is bad, but this one is even worth.
Trump posted him so that he makes him smarter ?

Thursday, January 26, 2017

"Help us, GOP. You're our only hope."

What we know so far is that the man is who he is. There is no larger, finer man inside him trying to get out. Everyone who is paying attention knows this. 
He Who Is Smarter Than Those With Intelligence delivers 16 minutes of hooey and horse hockey.
There might as well have been a 14-year-old boy at the lectern saying that he is in possession of the Golden Goblet that will drive the Gimlets from Fredonia and preserve the Sacred Marmite of Lord Numbskull and his Nimrods.
Everyone knows that the man is a fabulator, oblivious, trapped in his own terrible needs.
How long will Senate Republicans wait until a few of them stand up to the man? 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Sunday, January 22, 2017

"A person who refuses realty"

President Donald Trump has accused the media of dishonesty
over the number of people attending his inauguration on Friday.

"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.
It was their final, most essential command." - George Orwell, 1984

Trump claims media 'dishonest' over crowd photos 

It is so clear that people don't agree with what he is going to do in this world.
Remember demonstrations happened not just in D.C. yesterday.
It happened here in NYC his home town and in Europe, Asia...


Friday, January 20, 2017

"The White House Website Removes Climate Change and LGBT Pages"

Just as Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, the official White House website was updated with his portrait and his policies, which include many changes from what the site had said earlier this morning.
Among the first changes noted was the elimination of all mentions of “climate change” and the posting of Trump’s America First Energy Plan. The plan calls for rolling back regulations, including “harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule.” The Climate Action Plan was Barack Obama’s set of policies aimed at combatting the causes of global warming. The plan further says President Trump will tap domestic energy sources while refocusing “the EPA on its essential mission of protecting our air and water.”
Like Trump’s energy plan, his foreign-policy page on is labeled “America First.” The page promises a “foreign policy focused on American interests and American national security.” That includes building more ships for the Navy while embracing diplomacy. Russia also gets a subtle shout-out.
The website’s sections on LGBTcivil rights, and health-care are nowhere to be found. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re never coming back though. The website for the Domestic Policy Council is also down and we know it’s going to live on in under Trump. He’s already appointed someone to lead it.
Trump White House officials said more information will be added to the site in the coming day and weeks. “The transition of the site is in progress as updates are made,” Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks told the Huffington Post.
Anyway, why speculate on what may be left off the site, when there’s already so much bad stuff on it? For example, it declares the Trump administration a “law-and-order administration,” but misstates crime stats about Washington, D.C. The “Standing Up for Our Law Enforcement Community” section also says the Trump administration will end the “dangerous anti-police atmosphere in America” and casts dissenters as “rioters,” “looters,” and “violent disruptors.”

Monday, January 9, 2017

"The Best Scene from Golden Glove"

BRAVO Meryl !
This is the one of many reasons we all think you are the best.

Friday, January 6, 2017

"OSECHI 2017"

Happy New Year everyone.  Hope it started on a high note.
Mine started with the Traditional Japanese Food Osechi, Zoni, Auspicious flowers and friends.  I have been doing this how long ?  I can't remember.  
But It became the Annual New Year's Day Luncheon.  
Preparation started few days before including digging out the tableware and linen. Some of them are only use once a year.  Those Imari-porcelain surely put me in the mood.  Of course shopping and cooking had to be done way before New Years Eve. 
< Table Set >

< The Feast Starts >

< OSECHI Course >

< ZONI Course >

< After The Party >

Table ware did their work.  And I did my dish washing.  
Now they were ready for the next party.  
Some how winter afternoon sun light cast a fantastic shadow over them.  
It looked like still celebrating the year of Rooster.  

**If you interested to know about OSECHI & ZONI, 
   please take a look my past New Year's Day Blog posts.
   Those are links for those pages.