Every June, the last sunday is "Gay Pride Day" in New York City and many cities cross the USA and around the world.
As you may know by now, in June 1969 "The Stone Wall Riot" happened here on Christopher Street. That is when "The Gay Rights Movement" began.
Since then we celebrate "Gay Pride" every last sunday in June, rain or shane.
As I can remember we only had rain one time on "The Gay Pride Day"
I experienced it once in San Francisco. And I remember that was also a very hot sunday. They have a huge "Pride March" on same day as here.
It is not a Parade, it is a March. Gays & Lesbians & Trans-Gendered people are marching to say "We are here to stay, not going anywhere. We have many differences with skin-colors and professions as the rest of the world has"
And demand their "Equal Rights", no less nor more.
Not Special Rights, The Same Rights as straight people have.
Last friday night, New York Senate passed "The Same Sex Marriage Bill."
New York State is the 6th State to pass such a Law.
This will change everything about being gay in this state.
So, this year's march was very different from before. Governor CUOMO was marching at the very front and saying that he was so proud to sign this Law. The Mayor was there, Out Gay State Senator Thom Duane was right beside him, so was Out Gay City Councilwomen Christine Quinn.
This was such a huge victory among the gay community, this year's "Pride March" was a very happy positive one.
To celebrate this monumental event in New York State, I'll be focussing couples and families who I found on 5th Avenue proudly marching down to Christopher Street where everything started.
You probably will see or already saw, many pictures of Feathers and Skins on TV or in print. But I'm not sure that you will have a chance to see couples who are together for long time but couldn't get married until now.
Take a look how happy they were to walking avenues and streets of Manhattan with lovers or family along side, and hearing people's very loud cheers !
If that doesn't make you smile, I don't know what will...
Here comes the March.
March used to start above Lincoln Center, coming down on Central Park West then cross 59street to get to the 5th Avenue to marching down to Washington Square. After crossing Waverley Place finally got on the Christopher Street to Hudson River.
Now starts at 36th Street & 5th Avenue. The March got shorter, but the spirit was bigger than ever ! They say "Gay Pride March" is the biggest and most colorful one in the city. That is very true.
Now starts at 36th Street & 5th Avenue. The March got shorter, but the spirit was bigger than ever ! They say "Gay Pride March" is the biggest and most colorful one in the city. That is very true.
After all we have a Huge Population of Gays who have many different lives in this state.
"Dykes on Bikes" is always leads the March down 5th Avenue.
Yes, Dogs are families too !
Those Kids who are experiencing being in the march will change attitude for Gays in coming years. It doesn't matter if they grow up to be gay or straight. Growing up in Safe & Happy Families will make them understand how important to have their parent's love. Parents who happen to be two Moms or two Dads, Love is love, nothing less than so call traditional parents. Let us hope the rest of the people who watched this year's March got the meaning of that for years to come.
I'll be posting Part 2 of "GAY PRIDE MARCH." Be course I have so many great photos left to show you. They are photos of "Feathers & Flesh" of the March.