Friday, January 28, 2011

Life Goes On !

"Nature Could be a Great Graphic Designer !"
Days after the Storm, Snow is still stuck on trunks.
Adding a Fantastic Contrast.

We had the 7th Snow Storm since the day after Christmas.
This is the snowiest January we've had in New York City. I think everybody is so sick of looking at Snow Pictures by now. But the morning after the Snow Storm we couldn't help taking more pictures of the backyards and streets in the neighborhood.
If you don't have to go out, it is still a very pretty scene in Chelsea.
I also heard birds singing in the garden which we can see from our windows.
The moment the snow stopped falling, birds are coming out from somewhere. 
I think they know which houses has great Birds Seeds.
No matter how much snow has fallen on the ground, our life must go on. 
That is same for all life in New York City.  And it does. 
These pictures are the testament of our strong will... 

"Che Bella Luna !"
6AM in the morning after the Snow Storm.
The Sky was clear and I could see a Half Moon behind the Trees.

This is the Backyard which I can see from my window.
People were getting up for a White Surprise.

These were the Windows across the Back Garden.

Birds were busy having Breakfast at the White Table.

A Cardinal was dressed up for the occasion.
His singing made my morning !

There are Greens on the Street under the Thick Snow.
Waiting for Spring patiently...

Believed it or not, somebody was moving onto our block.
Days after the Snow Storm, streets are almost manageable.
But, cars are not going anywhere.

This was what trees looked against a Red-Brown Painted Building Wall.
This is almost like an Art Work or a Textile Design ?

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos!!!
    I enjoy your creative perspective, finding artistic relationships everywhere.
